Welcome, Hero. It's time to share your story with a world hungry for HOPE.


Heroes On a Path of Expansion

H.O.P.E. Publishing House publishes extraordinary stories from ordinary people that inspire hope and leave a lasting positive impact on the world. We teach our authors how to write their book with ease, promote their book with authenticity, and be transformed themselves as their story transforms others.

Join Us for an Exclusive Live Virtual Book Launch Event!

October 24, 2024 @ 4pm PST

 Connect with our authors, ask questions, and be among the first to dive into their inspiring stories. Reserve your spot now and be a part of this special event! 
As a thank you for you support, you’ll receive a FREE copy of each author’s book!

Join us for a virtual book launch in celebration of our three remarkable authors!

Julie Green •  Kelly Cummings   Raquel Ploum

We are storytellers...

Who We Are

We are a mother-daughter duo of storytellers bringing the best of the human spirit to the world through inspiring tales of heroism. We strive to elevate global discourse by filling the marketplace with books that inspire because we believe that a good book can change the world and the author.

H.O.P.E. Publishing House is a full-service publishing company that takes your hero’s journey all the way from inspired idea to published book. We offer coaching programs to build your confidence, improve your writing, get your story out into the world, and train you to market your book and yourself to achieve the greatest possible impact. We want to help you transform your unique story into shareable wisdom that will improve the lives of our readers.

We grow our authors as they write,
publish, and market their books...

What We Do

We help our authors to write, publish, and market their books in order to increase their income and impact. Our Author’s Coaching Program has two parts: a Writing Program and a Publishing and Marketing Program. We call our services Coaching Programs because building you up is at the core of everything we do. We believe that the true ultimate benefit of writing a book is the astounding transformation it will cause in you. We build your belief in yourself as a hero, so you can share your story with strength and dignity and get your book into the hands of those who need it most.

We publish true stories of the hero’s journey...

What We Publish

We publish true stories of the hero’s journey in any nonfiction genre. The hero’s journey, as defined by renowned psychologist and scholar Joseph Campbell, is a universal human narrative of triumph over adversity and the personal transformation that comes with it. 

Your hero’s journey is unique to you and could include a myriad of experiences: from life-and-death scares, to tragic loss, to simply finding the courage to live life your own way. Maybe your book is a memoir, or personal development, spirituality, business, education, or health and fitness. However you frame it, if you have experienced a dark night of the soul and returned to the light with wisdom to share, we want to tell your story.

Your book writes you as you write it.

Lisa J.

HPH Founder and Award-Winning Author

Don't let another year pass you by!

Join the Author's Coaching Program and write and publish your book with HOPE

The Author’s Coaching Program is your complete answer to that overwhelming question: “I have a story to tell. Now what?” Sign up today and write, publish, and position your book with HOPE.

Writing and publishing your book with H.O.P.E. Publishing House will give you:


Fun and creative excursions help make your writing flow at the Writer’s Retreats.

Part 1

The Writing Program

Writing a book is hard. Most of our clients have been at it for years–some, decades! Our Writing Coaching Program is designed to eliminate procrastination and streamline the process with an easy-to-follow program that will take you from idea to publishable manuscript in just nine months. Our Writing Coaching Program is chock-full of writing prompts, templates, accountability, one-on-one coaching, and small group support. You just do each assignment, one step at a time. Your writing coach will keep you inspired and on track, improve your writing, and make the process frustration-free. Writer’s block? What’s that?

The Writing Coaching Program also includes mindset coaching and three Writer’s Retreats in beautiful settings around the globe. You will be amazed at how much you grow through the process. As we often say, your book writes you as you write it. You will transform your challenges into wisdom and learn how to share that wisdom in the core message of your book. You’ll begin to truly embody the hero your story shows you to be. As you soak up the inspiration and write chapters of your book all over the world, your stuck self will bust wide open. In nine months, you won’t recognize yourself. You’ll look back and realize that writing your book was the ride of a lifetime!

Part 2

The Publishing and Marketing Program

So, you wrote a book. Now what? Finding a publisher is often the scariest, most self-doubt-inducing step for new authors. Our Publishing and Marketing Coaching Program takes all that off your plate. We will format and publish your book, set up your online sales platforms, market your book to our tens of thousands of followers, and order and ship your first fifty printed copies to you. And you will own the rights to your hard work, including the future business your book will create! Because a book in your hands is only the beginning.

Most published authors sell peanuts compared to their book’s income potential and only reach a fraction of their dream readership. Of course they do–they are writers, not marketers! We radically shift that with our easy-to-follow Marketing Coaching Program. At each step, you will develop skills and strategies that will perfectly position you to get your book into the hands of those who need it most. Through one-on-one coaching, simple templates for all your marketing materials, and in-depth media training, you will learn how to powerfully sell your story with authenticity. And with Lisa J.’s mindset coaching, you will be ready to step into the spotlight with a backbone and speak life when you pitch your book. Get ready to become the person you need to be to make your book a best-seller and have the global impact you really want.  

Want writing tricks, publishing tips, and mindset coaching sent straight to your inbox?

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H.O.P.E. Publishing House Blog
How To Sell Your Masterpiece on Amazon Kindle

How To Sell Your Masterpiece on Amazon Kindle

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Six Steps to a Killer Query Letter

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Smash That Writer’s Block!

Smash That Writer’s Block!

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Level Up YOU to Level Up Your Life

Today, you are about to learn the most liberating lessons about the power of YOU and how to harness that...
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Why Rejection Rocks

Why Rejection Rocks

Hello Friend,Ugh, I hate rejection. I want people to like me, and I really want people to like what I...
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Are you too scared to start your book?

Are you too scared to start your book?

Hello Friend,Are you too scared to start your book? This is something I hear all the time. “I feel like I’m...
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Do People Call You Crazy?

Do People Call You Crazy?

Dear Friend, Do people call you crazy? They called me crazy when I was writing my first book. “You can’t...
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Playing in the Mud

Playing in the Mud

Hello Friends,I’ve got another powerhouse H.O.P.E. saying for you: “Writing a book is the adventure of a lifetime.” Here's why:...
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Why You Want to Do HARD Things!

Why You Want to Do HARD Things!

Hi Friends; Have you ever heard me say, "Your goals create you as you create them"? Setting big goals will...
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Is Your Self-View Empowering or Limiting Your Writing?

Is Your Self-View Empowering or Limiting Your Writing?

Dear Friend, How you see yourself is the precursor to your success. It’s also the precursor to your limitations and...
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How to Become a Best Selling Author

How to Become a Best Selling Author

Hello Friend!,Do you dream of becoming a best-selling author? I hope you do.Too many of us buy into the false nobility...
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Ready to get your story out there?
Join the Author's Coaching Program today!
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