10 Tips to Get Your Book Published!

Hey there, fellow scribblers! So, you’ve finally penned that masterpiece, huh? Congratulations! And…now what?

It’s time to publish! Uh oh. Here comes the panic, the overwhelm, and the frantic Google searches of “How To Get a Book Published.”

Fear not, my friend. Hope Publishing House is here to guide you through this wild world of publishing. Here is our 10 step process for getting your book published–with or without an agent.

Step 1: Get Feedback (But Don't Take it Too Seriously)

Sometimes we as authors are too close to our message to see where it falls flat or doesn’t connect. Before you start sending samples to agencies, let a trusted friend (maybe even your mom or spouse if they promise to be honest!) read a chapter or two. Even better, solicit opinions from fellow writers. 

But remember, feedback is subjective! It can be a sweet elixir of validation, or a bitter pill of criticism. Don’t let other people’s opinions shake your confidence in your unique message. We have seen writers send their ready-to-publish manuscripts out to everyone they know, try to thoughtlessly rewrite every single piece of feedback into their book, and lose all faith in themselves. Some of those authors have still not published! Don’t let that be you. Instead, take what resonates, discard what doesn’t, and above all, trust your own voice. After all, your book is a reflection of your unique perspective on the world.

Step 2: Revise, Rewrite, Repeat

Before you dive into the world of publishing, take the time to polish your manuscript until it shines like a diamond in the rough. Proofread for typos, edit for clarity, and ensure that your formatting is squeaky clean. If you got helpful feedback in Step 1, incorporate that too. After all, you want to present your readers with a professional and polished product. 

If you can swing it, hire a professional editor. They have a trained eye for spotting little mistakes and inconsistencies that you may miss. This step is so important that we at HPH offer the services of an editor included in both parts of our Author’s Coaching Program. Polishing your words to their best luster is absolutely crucial.

But, here’s the secret: resist the urge to rewrite into oblivion. Artists say that knowing when to stop and call a piece ‘done’ is the hardest part of painting. Writing is no different! There is always something to improve in your manuscript. At some point, you just have to put down your paintbrush (or keyboard) and send it out into the world.

Step 3: Design a Killer Cover

Your cover is the face of your book, the first thing readers see. Spend an afternoon in a bookstore and take notes on which covers grab your eye and light you up. If you’re a Photoshop wizard, you may be able to whip up the perfect cover yourself, but most authors hire this out. You can find excellent graphic designers on gig platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. Some even specialize in book cover design! At HPH, we keep a short list of our favorite designers and work with them to design a killer cover for you. You only need to give us the ideas and inspiration! Whichever way you go, invest some time or money in creating a cover that grabs attention and screams “Read Me!” Remember, people do judge books by their covers, so make yours count.

Step 4: Do Your Research

The world is full of publishing agencies, and many specialize in exactly your type of book. For instance, we publish HOPE: Heroes On a Path of Expansion. Real-life stories of the hero’s journey and the lessons your story has taught you. Many other publishers have just as specific niches. Find a few that excite you and start researching their submissions processes.

This is also the time to decide if you want to work with a publisher at all. Do a little research about self publishing vs. traditional publishing and decide which is best for you. Having a publisher’s name attached to your book will add credibility, put your book on search lists automatically, and take some work off your plate. But self-publishing allows for the freedom to control your messaging yourself, make your own choices about formatting and release dates, and own 100% of your book, which is your sole intellectual property. We at HPH find that to be the biggest benefit of all! That’s why we do not charge any royalties for books published under our name. If you publish with HPH, your book is yours!

Step 5: Polish Your Query Letter

If you want to go with traditional publishing, the next step is to write a query letter to send to publishing agents. It’s sort of the literary equivalent of a first date. So let charm be your secret weapon! Craft a query letter that’s as witty and irresistible as you are (no pressure, right?). Highlight your book’s strengths, showcase your sparkling personality, and above all, be authentic. Want more details about how to write the perfect query letter? Keep an eye out for next month’s blog!

Step 6: Brace Yourself for Rejection with a Smile

Rejection, the not-so-glamorous side of the publishing industry. I promise, it will happen to you. Our founder Lisa J.’s first manuscript was rejected by six different publishers before it went to print! In this industry, rejection is inevitable, but it is also a stepping stone on the path to success. Remember, every rejection letter is just another badge of honor—a battle scar in the epic saga of your writing journey.

Step 7: Choose Your Publishing Platform

Curious about how to publish without an agent? Want to avoid the query letter/rejection letter cycle altogether? Self-publish! Choose a publishing platform and look into their submission requirements. The two industry behemoths are Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (our favorite), and Smashwords. Their websites outline everything they need to know about you and your book to get your book listed. You will have to register your ISBN (an official identifying number registered to your book) on your own, but in this day and age, that’s only a click away. 

Step 8: Hit Publish!

The moment of truth—the click of the “Publish” button, the sound of your book being unleashed upon the world. Take a deep breath, my friend, and savor the moment. You did it! You’re officially a published author! Cue the confetti, pop the champagne, and maybe do a little victory dance (no judgment here). After all, you’ve earned it.

Now, it’s time to sell it.

Step 9: Spread the Word

Now, the real work begins. Gulp.

Once your book is live, it’s time to spread the word far and wide. In our Publishing and Marketing Program, our staff takes care of most of the publishing tasks outlined in this guide for you, and you spend six months mastering our marketing techniques. Promotion is that important! 

Harness the power of social media, book blogs, and author platforms to connect with readers and drum up excitement for your book. And don’t be afraid to get creative—host virtual launch parties, run giveaways, and maybe even enlist the help of some book-loving influencers. After all, the sky’s the limit when it comes to promoting your literary masterpiece!

So, there you have it, my fellow literary adventurers—HPH’s 10 tips to getting your book published. Embrace the chaos, trust your instincts, and above all, never lose sight of why you started writing in the first place. After all, the world needs your stories, your voice, and your unique perspective. So, let the adventure begin!

See you in the Personal Development section,

~ Lisa J.

Lisa Jimenez, M.Ed.

PS. My super secret most effective 11th tip for writer’s block? Write your book with HOPE!

Imagine implementing each of these techniques with an expert mindset coach, stellar editor, proven curriculum, built in accountability, and a community of fellow writers and powerhouse creatives on your side. That’s what you get in the Author’s Coaching Program.

And those looming publishing tasks that can stress you out and steal your momentum? If you also sign up for the Publishing and Marketing Program, we take care of all of that for you, so you can get back to writing your story and becoming the person ready to share it.

Curious? Our next Author’s Program launches soon! These spots sell out fast. So, do not delay. Let us help you get that book out of your head and onto the page in your published book. Your first step is to schedule a discovery call with Lisa J. today: https://calendly.com/mindsetreset

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