How to Become a Best Selling Author

Hello Friend!,

Do you dream of becoming a best-selling author? 

I hope you do.

Too many of us buy into the false nobility of the starving artist. We internalize lessons that tell us that money cheapens our message and makes our impact shallow. The fact is, a bestselling book has reached more people than a book that stays in the author’s garage. More readers means more impact, and more paying readers means more opportunities for the author to change the world with their message. You deserve to be paid for your labor and expertise!

So how do you become a best-selling author?

You’ve probably heard the phrase: “I’ll believe it when I see it.” That’s how most of us operate: we wait for confirmation that our ideas are lucrative before we take a full leap. For us writers, that means getting a resounding “yes!” after sending a proposal to a publisher. It means positive feedback from friends who read that fragile first draft, and excited faces on strangers who ask for a copy after a coffee shop line elevator pitch. Once we see that people are interested in what we have to say, then we believe that our book might sell.

Well, I have a different paradigm for you to try on. I posit that the cause-effect chain runs in the opposite direction. I say, “I’ll see it when I believe it.”

Pause right now and ask yourself: “Do I really believe I can have what I want?” It can be hard to answer. What we think we believe and what we actually subconsciously believe aren’t always aligned. 

Writers Workshop in Balboa Island

The best way to answer the question is to look at your life as the result of your beliefs and ask yourself: “Do my life, my conversations, and my actions look like I believe I can have what I want?”

If you’re being honest, the answer is no. Your life does not look like you believe you can have whatever you want.

I get it. It’s hard to believe in your dreams when reality is in your face. It’s challenging to believe your finished manuscript, your best-selling book, your boat loads of cash, or your dream career is coming to you, when all you see is the reality that it’s not here yet. Reality can really mess with your mindset—and your ability to stay on track with your writing and selling goals. So, how do you build the belief that your book is a bestseller? 

There are 3 Bestseller Practices that we teach our authors. 

These practices helped one of our clients to sell her book and launch a new coaching business with a six-figure contract. Just 15 months after that, she opened a retreat center and created the global impact she always wanted. 

Another client, who has been writing her book for over twenty years, joined our Author’s Coaching Program, and within nine months she had a finished book and a marketing campaign that got her on the speaking and podcast circuit to jumpstart her sales.

These practices work.

You, too, will get these quantum leap results when you apply our 3 Mindset Reset Practices. 

So, here we go… 

Believe in the process of marketing (yes, more than the actual result).

Marketing is a process of trust, like gardening. A gardener plants a seed in the right soil and gives it water. Then, he waits. The gardener knows that if he plants the seed in the right circumstances, the seed will call forth all it needs to come to fruition. The gardener doesn’t doubt the process. He doesn’t dig up the seed to check on it after a week without a sprout. He trusts that the process of germination will do the work. 

Be that gardener! 

Set your book up for success with strong writing and a stronger marketing plan (our Author’s Coaching Program is built for this!), and then trust that the sales will come. Believe in the process of marketing and you will build your belief in yourself and your book.

Writers Write. Marketers market. All the time.

When you begin to build belief in your book, it shows. You show up in the world newly. And when you show up newly, everyone and everything shows up newly! Your higher vibe now attracts the ideas, the people, and the opportunities that will cause your desires to become reality. You’ll be at the right place at the right time. Serendipity will be your middle name! You’ll experience the fortuitous and even the miraculous. 

And here’s the trick: You’ve got to be ready to act on those serendipitous opportunities. Remember when you were writing your book, and you had to make yourself sit down and write a little bit each day? You had to be bold in your willingness to write. I remember jotting ideas down on cocktail napkins and excusing myself from conversations to save a quick note in my phone. As a writer, you have to be willing to write whenever inspiration strikes.

Writers write. And marketers market.

As a marketer, you need the same bold willingness to be spontaneous. Your new belief will open opportunities, but it’s up to you to be ready to act on them. Even when the call is simply a gentle nudge from within your newly confident inner self.

I’ve seen this in my clients’ lives again and again. Several years before I founded HOPE Publishing House, I was mentoring a personal coaching client through the writing of her first book. One weekend, she felt a nudge to visit her mom. We had coached her to be open to inspired action, and she recognized the nudge as her inner knowing’s intuition. She obeyed the inspiration and booked a train ticket. On that train ride, she just happened to sit next to a publishing agent. Marketers market! She chatted him up over the ride and gave her best elevator pitch. A few months later, he published her book.

Your cynical mind may whisper, “This is too good to be true” or “This is too easy” or “This is too weird.”  Stop giving your mind so much power! Let your spirit lead. Allow intuition to guide. Trust in your newfound ability to recognize opportunity all around, and be ready to act when it knocks. 

Because marketers market! 

Find Your Tribe

The people you spend the most time with shape your reality. We are all the average of the people around us. Studies have proven this across many metrics, including annual income and the scope of our aspirations.

Even if you trust the process and you market yourself whenever you can, if you’re hanging out with people who aren’t doing the same, you’ll sabotage the progress you make. The brain’s wiring to ‘fit in’ is just too strong to override your peers’ influence. 

So, am I suggesting you cut out some people in your life? 

Yes, I am. It might only be temporary. But while you are learning and practicing your own expansion through your book’s reach, you absolutely must be around like-minded people. 

Find your tribe!

If you currently don’t have that tribe, you can access one right now.

And that leads me to an invite. 

You are invited to join the Author’s Coaching Program and instantly be part of a tribe of like-minded authors who are all following the Mindset Reset Formula, writing their bestseller, getting their message into the hands of those who need it, and getting paid to do it! 

We launch Part 1 of the Author’s Coaching Program in September of 2023, then we coach together every week until May of 2024 (that’s 9 months of community!) as you write your future bestseller. Then we move to Part 2 of the Author’s Coaching Program, where we publish your book and plant those bestselling seeds with your personalized marketing plan. Part 2 runs June – Dec 2024. That’s right, another six months of support from me and your tribe as we focus on one goal:


Become A Bestseller!

The bonds made in the Author’s Coaching Program run deep and last for life. And sharing each other’s book selling dreams is only the beginning. Both parts of the Author’s Coaching Program include retreats designed to break your procrastination and self-critique patterns in new and beautiful environments. You will find new depths in yourself and your tribe as you explore your expansive surroundings: Maui, HI; Breckenridge, CO; Balboa Island, CA; and Sarasota, FL. As we travel together, the tribe grows together.

Our Author’s Coaching Program clients come from different backgrounds, industries, and countries. Each has a unique story, gifts, and talents…

And yet, everyone in the Author’s Coaching Program has one common goal: to take their history and transform it into shareable wisdom so they can teach and inspire others as they grow their income and their impact. 

If that sounds like your tribe, your next step is to set up a Discovery Call with me. Click here to book your call today!:

I look forward to hearing all about your book idea and finding out if the Author’s Coaching Program is for you!

Cheers to You,

~ Lisa J.

[email protected]

P.S. Writing a book is the ride of a lifetime! Learning how to market that book and make it a bestseller gives you the income and impact you’ve always wanted. 

Are you ready? Book your Discovery Call today.  Go to:

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