Conquer Fear!


By Lisa J.
Entrepreneurs face fear every day. Fear of rejection. Fear of making the wrong decisions. Fear of change. Fear of failure. And of course the big one – fear of success! It is this fear (and all of its cousins like worry, anxiety, and self-doubt) that paralyzes you and keeps you from higher levels of success.


This book will give you a practical action plan that empowers you to overcome fear, reject rejection, and be free to get on with achieving what you really want. Lisa will guide you in an understanding of why you do what you do and empower you to break through patterns of limitation.

Through intimate and funny personal stories, Lisa reveals the most common ways that people’s belief systems repel success. You’ll be shocked when you discover the hidden messages behind your behavior. This book will teach the steps to overcome those limiting messages so you can develop an unstoppable belief system that will take you anywhere you want to go.

Through this powerful message, you will:

  • Identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs
  • Stop procrastination and self-sabotage
  • Reject rejection with the L.O.A. (Law of Averages)
  • Break through negative programming
  • Raise your self-esteem and confidence level
  • Create momentum to stay motivated
  • Discover what you REALLY want
  • Master the “Power of 5” to become unstoppable
  • Attract and sponsor more leaders

This book’s power comes from blending the two disciplines of psychology and

spirituality. When your head and your heart are aligned, you will break through your fear and self-limiting beliefs to create a life you love.

By Lisa J.

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